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CloudLinux includes many exciting features, like the famous CageFS technology, that jail users inside their own secure file system. However, CloudLinux also includes other interesting things,  like Python and Ruby Selectors. That’s why today we are going to show you how to install Python and Ruby Selector on CloudLinux.

How to install Python and Ruby Selector on CloudLinux ?

The procedure to install Python and Ruby Selector on CloudLinux is super easy and can be done within 2 minutes.

Run the following commands:

yum install lvemanager alt-python-virtualenv alt-mod-passenger

In order to use Python Selector, you should install alternative required Python packages. Issue the following commands:

yum groupinstall alt-python

The same applies to Ruby, install this required alternative Ruby rpm packages:

yum groupinstall alt-ruby

If you are going to use MySQL database, you may want to install alt-python27-devel rpm also:

yum install alt-python27-devel

Enable Python & Ruby Icons

After done, make sure you unmarked the checkboxes in LVE Manager Options tab, that is needed to show Ruby or Python App at your web-interface. This are the required options to unmark:

  • Hide Ruby App in web-interface
  • Hide Python App in web-interface

Enable compilers in WHM

If you are going to work with Python and Ruby, then gcc/make system binaries need to be granted with execute permissions. Make sure you enable compilers at:

WHM >> Security Center >> Compiler Access

Then click on ‘Enable Compilers’

Update CageFS

In order to pick up all this changes, make sure you force CageFS update:

cagefsctl --force-update


If you need to install Python and Ruby Selector on CloudLinux the process is really quick, and can be done by new or experienced users. One important thing: this feature is only available for cPanel based servers, just to be sure.



The End! should you have any inquiries, we encourage you to reach out to the Vercaa Support Center without hesitation.

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