
"Thread Priority in Python: Managing Thread Execution Importance

The queue module in Python's standard library is useful in threaded programming when information...

"Python Dynamic Binding: Late Binding in Object-Oriented Programming

In object-oriented programming, the concept of dynamic binding is closely related to...

"Python Encapsulation: Data Hiding and Access Control in OOP

The principle of Encapsulation is one of the main pillars on which the object-oriented...

"Python File Methods: File Manipulation Functions

A file object is created using open() function. The file class defines the following methods with...

"Python Tuple Exercises: Practice for Tuple Manipulation"

Example 1 Python program to find unique numbers in a given tuple −   T1 = (1, 9, 1, 6, 3, 4,...

"Working with Arrays in Python: Numerical Data Structures

Python's standard data types list, tuple and string are sequences. A sequence object is an...

Accessing Array Items in Python: Retrieving Elements from Arrays

Since the array object behaves very much like a sequence, you can perform indexing and slicing...

Accessing Dictionary Items in Python: Retrieving Values by Keys

Using the "[ ]" Operator A dictionary in Python is not a sequence, as the elements in dictionary...

Accessing List Items in Python: Retrieving Elements from Lists

In Python, a list is a sequence. Each object in the list is accessible with its index. The index...

Accessing Set Items in Python: Retrieving Elements from Sets

Since set is not a sequence data type, its items cannot be accessed individually as they do not...

Accessing Tuple Items in Python: Retrieving Elements from Tuples

In Python, Tuple is a sequence. Each object in the list is accessible with its index. The index...

Adding Array Items in Python: Appending Elements to Arrays

The append() Method The append() method adds a new element at the end of given array. Syntax...

Adding Dictionary Items in Python: Inserting Key-Value Pairs

Using the Operator The "[]" operator (used to access value mapped to a dictionary key) is used...

Adding List Items in Python: Appending and Inserting Elements

There are two methods of the list class, append() and insert(), that are used to add items to an...

Adding Set Items in Python: Including Elements in Sets

Even if a set holds together only immutable objects, set itself is mutable. We can add new items...

CGI Programming in Python: Creating Dynamic Web Content

The Common Gateway Interface, or CGI, is a set of standards that define how information is...

Changing Dictionary Items in Python: Modifying Key-Value Pairs

Apart from the literal representation of dictionary, where we put comma-separated key:value pairs...

Changing List Items in Python: Modifying Elements in Lists

List is a mutable data type in Python. It means, the contents of list can be modified in place,...

Command-Line Arguments in Python: Handling Input Parameters

To run a Python program, we execute the following command in the command prompt terminal of the...

Comparing Python and C++

Both Python and C++ are among the most popular programming languages. Both of them have their...

Copying Arrays in Python: Creating Duplicate Arrays

Python's built-in sequence types i.e. list, tuple and string are indexed collection of items....

Copying Dictionaries in Python: Creating Duplicate Dictionaries

Since a variable in Python is merely a label or reference to an object in the memory, a simple...

Copying Lists in Python: Duplicating List Contents

In Python, a variable is just a label or reference to the object in the memory. Hence, the...

Copying Sets in Python: Creating Duplicates of Sets

The copy() method in set class creates a shallow copy of a set object. Syntax set.copy()...

Creating Threads in Python: Concurrent Execution for Parallel Tasks

The start_new_thread() function included in the _thread module is used to create a new thread in...

Creating a Python Hello World Program

This tutorial will teach you how to write a simple Hello World program using Python Programming...

Daemon Threads in Python: Background Threads for Supporting Tasks

Sometimes, it is necessary to execute a task in the background. A special type of thread is used...

Data Compression in Python: Reducing File Sizes and Improving Efficiency

Python's standard library has a rich collection of modules for data compression and archiving....

Database Access in Python: Connecting and Querying Databases

Data input and generated during execution of a program is stored in RAM. If it is to be stored...

Date and Time Handling in Python: Working with Temporal Data

A Python program can handle date and time in several ways. Converting between date formats is a...

Exploring Python String Methods: Text Manipulation in Python"

Python's built-in str class defines different methods. They help in manipulating strings. Since...

Exploring Python and the Unicode System

Software applications often require to display messages output in a variety in different...

Exploring Python's Fundamental Syntax

The Python syntax defines a set of rules that are used to create Python statements while writing...

Exploring Python's Key Characteristic

Python is a feature rich high-level, interpreted, interactive and object-oriented scripting...

File Handling in Python: Working with File I/O

When we use any computer application, some data needs to be provided. Data is stored in...

GUI Programming in Python: Building Graphical User Interfaces

Python provides various options for developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs). The most...

Generics in Python: Flexible Data Types for Code Reusability

In Python, generics is a mechanism with which you to define functions, classes, or methods that...

Inter-Thread Communication in Python: Coordinating Parallel Execution

Threads share the memory allocated to a process. As a result, threads in the same process can...

Interrupting a Thread in Python: Graceful Termination of Concurrent Execution

In a multi-threaded program, a task in a new thread, may be required to be stopped. This may be...

JSON Processing in Python: Interchanging Data with JSON Format

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a lightweight data interchange format. It is...

Joining Arrays in Python: Combining Multiple Arrays

In Python, array is a homogenous collection of Python's built in data types such as strings,...

Joining Lists in Python: Combining Multiple Lists

In Python, List is classified as a sequence type object. It is a collection of items, which may...

Joining Sets in Python: Combining Multiple Sets

In Python, a Set is an ordered collection of items. The items may be of different types. However,...

Joining Threads in Python: Synchronizing Concurrent Execution

The join() method in thread class blocks the calling thread until the thread whose join() method...

Joining Tuples in Python: Combining Multiple Tuples

In Python, a Tuple is classified as a sequence type object. It is a collection of items, which...

Logging in Python: Recording Events and Debugging Information

The term "logging" refers to the mechanism of recording different intermediate events in a...

Looping Through Arrays in Python: Iterating Over Array Elements

Since the array object behaves like a sequence, you can iterate through its elements with the...

Looping Through Dictionaries in Python: Iterating Over Key-Value Pairs

Unlike a list, tuple or a string, dictionary data type in Python is not a sequence, as the items...

Looping Through Lists in Python: Iterating Over List Elements

You can traverse the items in a list with Python's for loop construct. The traversal can be done,...

Looping Through Sets in Python: Iterating Over Set Elements

A set in Python is not a sequence, nor is it a mapping type class. Hence, the objects in a set...

Looping Through Tuples in Python: Iterating Over Tuple Elements

You can traverse the items in a tuple with Python's for loop construct. The traversal can be...

Managing Python Virtual Environments

In this chapter, you will get to know what a virtual environment in Python is, how to create and...

Mathematical Operations in Python: Working with Numbers

Python's standard library provides math module. This module includes many pre-defined functions...

Modifying Strings in Python: Manipulating Text Data

In Python, a string (object of str class) is of immutable type. An immutable object is the one...

Multithreading in Python: Concurrent Execution for Improved Performance

By default, a computer program executes the instructions in a sequential manner, from start to...

Naming Threads in Python: Identifying Concurrent Execution Units

The name of a thread is for identification purpose only, and has no role as far as the semantics...

Nested try Blocks in Python: Handling Exceptions within Exceptions

In a Python program, if there is another try-except construct either inside either a try block or...

Network Programming in Python: Building Networked Applications

The threading module in Python's standard library is capable of handling multiple threads and...

Output Formatting in Python: Structuring Displayed Data

In this chapter, different techniques for formatting the output will be discussed. String...

Performance Measurement in Python: Analyzing Code Execution

A given problem may be solved by more than one alternative algorithms. Hence, we need to optimize...

Python Abstraction: Simplifying Complexity in Object-Oriented Code

Abstraction is one of the important principles of object-oriented programming. It refers to a...

Python Access Modifiers: Controlling Visibility in Classes

The languages such as C++ and Java, use access modifiers to restrict access to class members...

Python Anonymous Classes and Objects: Dynamic Object Creation

Python's built-in type() function returns the class that an object belongs to. In Python, a...

Python Arbitrary Arguments: Handling Variable-Length Inputs

You may want to define a function that is able to accept arbitrary or variable number of...

Python Arithmetic Operators: Mathematical Operations in Python

In Python, numbers are the most frequently used data type. Python uses the same symbols for basic...

Python Array Exercises: Practice for Array Manipulation

Example 1 Python program to find the largest number in an array −   import array as arr a =...

Python Array Methods: Effective Array Operations

array.reverse() Method Like the sequence types, the array class also supports the reverse()...

Python Assertions: Debugging and Error Detection in Code

An assertion is a sanity-check that you can turn on or turn off when you are done with your...

Python Assignment Operators: Assigning Values in Python

The = (equal to) symbol is defined as assignment operator in Python. The value of Python...

Python Augmented Addition Operator (+=): Incremental Value Assignment"

This operator combines addition and assignment in one statement. Since Python supports mixed...

Python Bitwise Operators: Manipulating Binary Data in Python

Python’ bitwise operators are normally used with integer type objects. However, instead of...

Python Booleans: Managing True and False Values in Python

In Python, bool is a sub-type of int type. A bool object has two possible values, and it is...

Python Built-in Exceptions: Common Error Types in Python

Here is a list of Standard Exceptions available in Python − Sr.No. Exception Name &...

Python Built-in Functions: Essential Tools for Python Programmers

As of Python 3.11.2 version, there are 71 built-in functions in Pyhthon. The list of built-in...

Python Class Attributes: Shared Data for Class Instances

Every Python class keeps the following built-in attributes and they can be accessed using dot...

Python Class Methods: Functions Associated with Classes

An instance method accesses the instance variables of the calling object because it takes the...

Python Closures: Encapsulating and Preserving Function State

In this chapter, let us discuss the concept of closures in Python. In Python, functions are said...

Python Comments: Annotating Your Code in Python

Python comments are programmer-readable explanation or annotations in the Python source code....

Python Comparison Operators: Comparing Values in Python

Comparison operators in Python are very important in Python’s conditional statements (if, else...

Python Constructors: Initializing Objects in Classes

In object-oriented programming, an object of a class is characterized by one or more instance...

Python Continue Statement: Skipping Iterations in Loops

The continue statement in Python returns the control to the beginning of the current loop. When...

Python Control Flow: Managing Program Execution

By default, the instructions in a computer program are executed in a sequential manner, from top...

Python Data Types Explained

Computer is a data processing device. Computer stores the data in its memory and processes it as...

Python Decision Making: Controlling Program Flow in Python

Python’s decision making functionality is in its keywords – if, else and elif. The if keyword...

Python Decorators: Enhancing Functions with Metadata

A Decorator in Python is a function that receives another function as argument. The argument...

Python Default Arguments: Enhancing Function Flexibility
Python Dictionary Exercises: Practice for Dictionary Manipulation

Example 1 Python program to create a new dictionary by extracting the keys from a given...

Python Dictionary Methods: Efficient Dictionary Operations

A dictionary in Python is an object of the built-in dict class, which defines the following...

Python Dictionary View Objects: Dynamic Views of Dictionary Data

The items(), keys() and values() methods of dict class return view objects. These views are...

Python Docstrings: Documenting Code for Clarity and Understanding

In Python, a docstring is a string literal that serves as the documentation of different Python...

Python Dynamic Typing: Flexible Variable Types

One of the standout features of Python language is that it is a dynamically typed language. The...

Python Enums: Named Constants for Improved Code Clarity

The term 'enumeration' refers to the process of assigning fixed constant values to a set of...

Python Escape Characters: Special Text Handling in Python

In Python, a string becomes a raw string if it is prefixed with "r" or "R" before the quotation...

Python Exception Chaining: Propagating and Handling Multiple Exceptions

Exception chaining is a technique of handling exceptions by re-throwing a caught exception after...

Python Exception Handling: Graceful Error Management in Code

If you have some suspicious code that may raise an exception, you can defend your program by...

Python Extensions: Expanding Functionality and Features"

Any code that you write using any compiled language like C, C++, or Java can be integrated or...

Python Function Annotations: Adding Metadata to Functions

The function annotation feature of Python enables you to add additional explanatory metada about...

Python Functions: Modularizing Code in Python

A function is a block of organized, reusable code that is used to perform a single, related...

Python GUIs: Creating Graphical User Interfaces with Ease
Python Generators: Efficient Iteration with Lazy Evaluation

A generator in Python is a special type of function that returns an iterator object. It appears...

Python Identity Operators: Comparing Object Identities

Python has two identity operators is and is not. Both return opposite Boolean values. The "in"...

Python Inheritance: Building Hierarchical Class Structures

Inheritance is one of the most important features of Object-oriented programming methodology. It...

Python Inner Classes: Nested Classes for Modularity

A class defined inside another class is known as an inner class in Python. Sometimes inner class...

Python Interfaces: Defining Contracts for Class Implementations

In software engineering, an interface is a software architectural pattern. An interface is like a...

Python Iterators: Efficient Sequential Data Processing

Iterator in Python is an object representing a stream of data. It follows iterator protocol which...

Python Keyword Arguments: Enhancing Function Call Clarity

Keyword argument are also called named arguments. Variables in the function definition are used...

Python Keyword-Only Arguments: Fine-Tuning Function Parameters

You can use the variables in formal argument list as keywords to pass value. Use of keyword...

Python List Comprehension: Compact List Transformations

List comprehension is a very powerful programming tool. It is similar to set builder notation in...

Python List Exercises: Practice for List Manipulation

Example 1 Python program to find unique numbers in a given list.   L1 = [1, 9, 1, 6, 3, 4, 5,...

Python List Methods: Powerful List Operations

Python's list class includes the following methods using which you can add, update, and delete...

Python Literals: Constants and Values

In computer science, a literal is a notation for representing a fixed value in source code. For...

Python Logical Operators: Combining Conditions in Python

With Logical operators in Python, we can form compound Boolean expressions. Each operand for...

Python Membership Operators: Testing for Membership in Python

The membership operators in Python help us determine whether an item is present in a given...

Python Method Overloading: Flexible Function Definitions

Method overloading is an important feature of object-oriented programming. Java, C++, C#...

Python Method Overriding: Customizing Inherited Methods

You can always override your parent class methods. One reason for overriding parent's methods is...

Python Modules: Organizing Code for Reusability

A function is a block of organized, reusable code that is used to perform a single, related...

Python Numbers: Working with Numeric Data in Python

Most of the times you work with numbers in whatever you do. Obviously, any computer application...

Python OS File and Directory Methods: Interacting with the File System

The os module provides a big range of useful methods to manipulate files. Most of the useful...

Python Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts: Building Robust Software

Python has been an object-oriented language since the time it existed. Due to this, creating and...

Python Objects and Classes: The Building Blocks of OOP

Python is a highly object-oriented language. In Python, each and every element in a Python...

Python Operators: A Comprehensive Guide

In Python as well as any programming language, Operators are symbols (sometimes keywords) that...

Python PIP: Managing Python Packages and Dependencies

Python's standard library is a large collection of ready-to-use modules and packages. In addition...

Python Packages: Organizing and Structuring Code

In Python, module is a Python script with .py extension and contains objects such as classes,...

Python Polymorphism: Adaptable Behavior in Object-Oriented Code

The term "polymorphism" refers to a function or method taking different form in different...

Python Positional Arguments: Orderly Function Parameter Handling

The list of variables declared in the parentheses at the time of defining a function are the...

Python Positional-Only Arguments: Strict Parameter Ordering

It is possible to define a function in which one or more arguments can not accept their value...

Python Reflection: Introspection and Dynamic Code Exploration

In object-oriented programming, reflection refers to the ability to extract information about any...

Python Set Exercises: Practice for Set Manipulation

Example 1 Python program to find common elements in two lists with the help of set operations −...

Python Set Methods: Efficient Set Operations

Following methods are defined in Python's set class − Sr.No Methods & Description...

Python Set Operators: Performing Operations on Sets

In the Set Theory of Mathematics, the union, intersection, difference and symmetric difference...

Python Singleton Class: Ensuring Single Instance Creation

A Singleton class is a class of which only one object can be created. This helps in optimizing...

Python Static Methods: Self-Contained Functions in Classes

is that the static method doesn't have a mandatory argument like reference to the object − self...

Python String Exercises: Practice for Text Manipulation

Example 1 Python program to find number of vowels in a given string.   mystr = "All animals...

Python String Formatting: Structuring Text Output

String formatting is the process of building a string representation dynamically by inserting the...

Python String Slicing: Extracting Substrings in Python

In Python, a string is an ordered sequence of Unicode characters. Each character in the string...

Python Syntax Errors: Identifying and Fixing Code Mistakes

Generally, three types of errors appear in a computer program: Syntax errors, logical errors and...

Python Tools and Utilities: Enhancing Productivity and Efficiency

The standard library comes with a number of modules that can be used both as modules and as...

Python Tuple Methods: Efficient Tuple Operations

Since a tuple in Python is immutable, the tuple class doesn't define methods for adding or...

Python Type Casting: Converting Data Types

In manufacturing, casting is the process of pouring a liquefied or molten metal into a mold, and...

Python User Input: Gathering Input from Users

Every computer application should have a provision to accept data from the user when it is...

Python User-Defined Exceptions: Customizing Error Handling

Python also allows you to create your own exceptions by deriving classes from the standard...

Python Variable Scope: Understanding Variable Visibility

A variable in Python is a symbols name to the object in computer's memory. Python works on the...

Python Wrapper Classes: Enhancing Data Structures

A function in Python is a first-order object. A function can have another function as its...

Python for Loop: Iterating Through Sequences in Python

The for loop in Python has the ability to iterate over the items of any sequence, such as a list...

Python forelse Loop: Combining Looping and Conditional Checks

Python supports having an "else" statement associated with a "for" loop statement. If the "else"...

Python match-case Statement: Pattern Matching in Python

Before its 3.10 version, Python lacked a feature similar to switch-case in C or C++. In Python...

Python pass Statement: Placeholder for Future Code

The pass statement is used when a statement is required syntactically but you do not want any...

Python try-finally Block: Ensuring Cleanup in Exception Handling

You can use a finally: block along with a try: block. The finally: block is a place to put any...

Python while Loop: Iterative Execution in Python

Normally, flow of execution of steps in a computer program goe from start to end. However,...

Python's Versatile Application Domains

Python is a general-purpose programming language. It is suitable for development of wide range of...

Raising Exceptions in Python: Triggering Custom Error Conditions

You can raise exceptions in several ways by using the raise statement. The general syntax for the...

Reading Files in Python: Retrieving Data from External Files

To programmatically read data from a file using Python, it must be opened first. Use the built-in...

Recursion in Python: Recursive Function Calls for Elegant Solutions

A function that calls itself is called a recursive function. This method is used when a certain...

Regular Expressions in Python: Pattern Matching and Text Manipulation

A regular expression is a special sequence of characters that helps you match or find other...

Removing Array Items in Python: Deleting Elements from Arrays

The array class defines two methods with the help of which we can remove an element from the...

Removing Dictionary Items in Python: Deleting Key-Value Pairs

Using del Keyword Python's del keyword deletes any object from the memory. Here we use it to...

Removing List Items in Python: Deleting Elements from Lists

The list class methods remove() and pop() both can remove an item from a list. The difference...

Removing Set Items in Python: Deleting Elements from Sets

Python's set class provides different methods to remove one or more items from a set object....

Renaming and Deleting Files in Python: File Manipulation

Python os module provides methods that help you perform file-processing operations, such as...

Reversing Arrays in Python: Inverting Element Order

In this chapter, we shall explore the different ways to rearrange the given array in the reverse...

Sending Email in Python: Automating Email Communication

An application that handles and delivers e-mail over the Internet is called a "mail server"....

Serialization in Python: Data Serialization and Deserialization

The term "object serialization" refers to process of converting state of an object into byte...

Setting Up Your Python Development Environment

  First step in the journey of learning Python is to install it on your machine. Today most...

Socket Programming in Python: Building Network Communication Solutions
Sorting Arrays in Python: Arranging Elements in Order

Python's array module defines the array class. An object of array class is similar to the array...

Sorting Lists in Python: Arranging Elements in Order

The sort() method of list class rearranges the items in ascending or descending order with the...

Starting a Thread in Python: Launching Concurrent Execution

This start() method starts the thread's activity. It must be called once a thread object is...

String Concatenation in Python: Combining Text Data

The "+" operator is well-known as an addition operator, returning the sum of two numbers....

Synchronizing Threads in Python: Managing Concurrent Access to Shared Resources

The threading module provided with Python includes a simple-to-implement locking mechanism that...

Templating in Python: Generating Dynamic Content and Documents

Python provides different text formatting features. It including formatting operators, Python's...

The Main Thread in Python: The Entry Point of Program Execution

Every Python program has at least one thread of execution called the main thread. The main thread...

Thread Deadlock in Python: Handling Resource Deadlocks in Threads

A deadlock may be described as a concurrency failure mode. It is a situation in a program where...

Thread Lifecycle in Python: Managing Concurrent Execution

A thread object goes through different stages. When a new thread object is created, it must be...

Thread Pools in Python: Efficient Management of Thread Resources

What is a Thread Pool? A thread pool is a mechanism that automatically manages a pool of worker...

Thread Scheduling in Python: Managing Concurrent Execution Order

Python supports multiple threads in a program. A multi-threaded program can execute multiple...

URL Processing in Python: Handling Web Addresses in Code

In the world of Internet, different resources are identified by URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)....

Understanding Python Variables

Python Variables In this tutorial, you will learn what are variables in Python and how to use...

Understanding the Python Interpreter

Python is an interpreter-based language. In a Linux system, Python's executable is installed in...

Unpacking Tuple Items in Python: Extracting Values from Tuples

The term "unpacking" refers to the process of parsing tuple items in individual variables. In...

Updating Tuples in Python: Modifying Tuple Elements

In Python, tuple is an immutable data type. An immutable object cannot be modified once it is...

Using the break Statement in Python: Breaking Loop Execution

Loop Control Statements The Loop control statements change the execution from its normal...

Using the if-else Statement in Python: Conditional Execution

Along with the if statement, else keyword can also be optionally used. It provides an alternate...

Using the try-except Block in Python: Handling Exceptions Gracefully

You can also use the except statement with no exceptions defined as follows − try: You do your...

Weak References in Python: Efficient Memory Management

Python uses reference counting mechanism while implementing garbage collection policy. Whenever...

Working with Dictionaries in Python: Key-Value Data Structures

Dictionary is one of the built-in data types in Python. Python's dictionary is example of mapping...

Working with Directories in Python: Managing File System Folders

All files are contained within various directories, and Python has no problem handling these too....

Working with Lists in Python: Sequential Data Structures

List is one of the built-in data types in Python. A Python list is a sequence of comma separated...

Working with Nested Dictionaries in Python: Multilevel Key-Value Structures

A Python dictionary is said to have a nested structure if value of one or more keys is another...

Working with Sets in Python: Unordered Collection of Unique Elements

A set is one of the built-in data types in Python. In mathematics, set is a collection of...

Working with Strings in Python: Text Manipulation and Processing

In Python, a string is an immutable sequence of Unicode characters. Each character has a unique...

Working with Tuples in Python: Immutable Data Structures"

Tuple is one of the built-in data types in Python. A Python tuple is a sequence of comma...

Writing to Files in Python: Storing Data in External Files

To write data to a file in Python, you need to open a file. Any object that interacts with input...

XML Processing in Python: Parsing and Manipulating XML Data

XML is a portable, open-source language that allows programmers to develop applications that can...