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There are two methods of the list class, append() and insert(), that are used to add items to an existing list.

Example 1

The append() method adds the item at the end of an existing list.

list1 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] print ("Original list: ", list1) list1.append('e') print ("List after appending: ", list1)


It will produce the following output −

Original list: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
List after appending: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

Example 2

The insert() method inserts the item at a specified index in the list.

list1 = ["Rohan", "Physics", 21, 69.75] print ("Original list ", list1) list1.insert(2, 'Chemistry') print ("List after appending: ", list1) list1.insert(-1, 'Pass') print ("List after appending: ", list1)


It will produce the following output −

Original list ['Rohan', 'Physics', 21, 69.75]
List after appending: ['Rohan', 'Physics', 'Chemistry', 21, 69.75]
List after appending: ['Rohan', 'Physics', 'Chemistry', 21, 'Pass', 69.75]

We know that "-1" index points to the last item in the list. However, note that, the item at index "-1" in the original list is 69.75. This index is not refreshed after appending 'chemistry'. Hence, 'Pass' is not inserted at the updated index "-1", but the previous index "-1".




The End! should you have any inquiries, we encourage you to reach out to the Vercaa Support Center without hesitation.

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