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Example 1

Python program to create a new dictionary by extracting the keys from a given dictionary.

d1 = {"one":11, "two":22, "three":33, "four":44, "five":55} keys = ['two', 'five'] d2={} for k in keys: d2[k]=d1[k] print (d2)

It will produce the following output −

{'two': 22, 'five': 55}

Example 2

Python program to convert a dictionary to list of (k,v) tuples.

d1 = {"one":11, "two":22, "three":33, "four":44, "five":55} L1 = list(d1.items()) print (L1)

It will produce the following output −

[('one', 11), ('two', 22), ('three', 33), ('four', 44), ('five', 55)]

Example 3

Python program to remove keys with same values in a dictionary.

d1 = {"one":"eleven", "2":2, "three":3, "11":"eleven", "four":44, "two":2} vals = list(d1.values())#all values uvals = [v for v in vals if vals.count(v)==1]#unique values d2 = {} for k,v in d1.items(): if v in uvals: d = {k:v} d2.update(d) print ("dict with unique value:",d2)

It will produce the following output −

dict with unique value: {'three': 3, 'four': 44}

Exercise Programs

  • Python program to sort list of dictionaries by values

  • Python program to extract dictionary with each key having non-numeric value from a given dictionary.

  • Python program to build a dictionary from list of two item (k,v) tuples.

  • Python program to merge two dictionary objects, using unpack operator.


The End! should you have any inquiries, we encourage you to reach out to the Vercaa Support Center without hesitation.

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